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Bylaws adopted by the Board of Directors


Article 1

Name and Location

The name of this organization shall be:

The Missouri Alliance of Professional Bail Bond Agents


Offices of this organization shall be located at such place as the Board of Directors may from time to time determine.


Article 2

Purpose of the Organization

To promote positive legislation and rules to advance the profession and continuing betterment of our industry in Missouri.

To provide the membership an open and positive forum from which to give input towards the betterment of our profession.

To provide representation for our profession to our regulators and promote positive legislation for the continuing betterment of our industry in Missouri.

To promote a closer working relationship with the Judiciary of Missouri and assist the Courts in a more efficient manner.

To provide Education to our members, Law Enforcement, and others we work together with on a daily basis.


Promoting and maintaining professional and ethical standards to insure members adhere to a Professional Code of Ethics to promote a more Ethical and Professional presence of our industry.


This organization shall maintain a membership with The Professional Bondsmen of the United States (PBUS) and the American Bail Coalition (ABC).


Article 3


Voting membership in this organization shall consist of General Bail Bond Agents, Bail Bond Agents, and Bail Recovery Agents who are Missouri residents and licensed in good standing with the Missouri Department of Insurance and have paid dues to this organization.


Associate Membership shall consist of Bail Bond agents, General Bail Bond Agents, Bail Recovery Agents, Surety Companies and others involved in the Bail Bond Business who are NOT residents of the State of Missouri, who have paid dues, and shall not have voting privilege.

Annual Membership Dues: (proposed)


General Bail Bond Agent $ 250.00

Bail Bond and Recovery Agents $ 100.00

Associate Members $ 100.00

Founding Member additional One time fee $ 500.00



Officers of this organization shall consist of:





Immediate Past President

Board of Directors

Executive Director

Sanction Review Committee



The President of this organization shall be chosen by the Board of Directors at its Annual Business Meeting. They shall have served as Vice-President for the year immediately prior to serving as President. Duties of the President are to call meetings, preside over these meetings, carry out the directives of the Board, and be the spokesperson for this organization.


The President shall not vote on actions in Board of Directors meetings UNLESS there is a tie vote of a quorum of members present. The President may then cast a vote to break the tie.


If, for any reason, a vacancy should occur in this office, the Vice President shall assume the position of President.


**The President may as necessary appoint someone to temporarily fill a vacancy or office. All Board members must be notified and vote in person or by electronic mail. The temporary appointment must have a yes vote from the majority of the Board of Directors. The appointment can be made permanent at the annual Board of Director’s meeting.


Vice President

The Vice President of this organization shall be chosen by the members of the Board of Directors at its Annual Business Meeting. The Vice President shall have served at least one term as a member of the Board of Directors immediately prior to serving as Vice President.


Duties of the Vice President shall be to assist the President in executing directives of the Board of Directors. They shall preside at all meetings in which the President is absent.


The Vice President shall be the liaison between the Board of Directors and Legislative and Administrative bodies in the State of Missouri.


The Vice President shall be eligible to vote on actions in Board of Directors meetings.


If, for any reason, a vacancy should occur in this office, (i.e.) assuming the office of President), the Board of Directors shall immediately appoint a new Vice-President.



The Secretary of this organization shall be a member of the Board of Directors and shall be appointed to serve in this capacity by the Board of Directors at its Annual Business Meeting.


Duties of the Secretary are to document and maintain accurate records of all actions taken by the Board of Directors.


The Secretary shall have completed the official records of the meeting and posted those in the maintained record within seven (7) days after such meeting has concluded.


The Secretary shall verify the paid membership of all members voting in any election or referendum as determined by the Board of Directors.


If, for any reason, a vacancy should occur in this office, the Board of Directors shall immediately appoint another member of the Board to assume these responsibilities.



The Treasurer of this organization shall be a member of the Board of Directors and shall be appointed by the Board of Directors at its Annual Business Meeting.


Duties of the Treasurer shall be to keep secure and all finances of the organization and to report on these as directed by the Board of Directors. The Treasurer shall be Bonded by sufficient Fiduciary Bond to the Organization.


There shall be an audit conducted annually by such person or auditor as selected by the Board of Directors. The Treasurer shall be secured by a sufficient Fiduciary Bond.


If, for any reason, a vacancy should occur in this office, the Board of Directors shall immediately appoint another member of the Board to assume these responsibilities.


*The President and the Treasurer shall not be from the same household or related.*


Immediate Past President

The Immediate Past President shall be the person who immediately prior served as President of this Organization and shall serve until the President steps down. The Immediate Past President shall have voting privilege in all Board of Directors Meetings.


If, for any reason, a vacancy occurs in this office, it shall remain vacant until the next Presidents steps down and assumes this office.


*The Board of Directors may, at their discretion, nominate for office a member outside the Board of Directors.*


Board of Directors

The Board of Directors shall consist of one (1) representative and (1) alternate of each of the district committees from across the State of Missouri and the Immediate Past President. Each District committee shall be comprised of all paid voting members of this organization that reside in the Missouri Judicial District as designated below.*


The Board may not have more than two (2) members of any one agency, group, or related bail bond business group.


Duties of the Board of Directors are to insure this organization functions in the best interest of the members and in accordance with the Mission Statement.


Each District Committee may meet as often as they deem necessary. These District Committees shall meet at least one time per year, nominate, and elect their representative, and an alternate, to the Board of Directors.


As the current President shall not have a vote in Board Meetings (except in the event of a tie), the District Committee represented by the President shall send the alternate to represent them on the Board of Directors.


Except for a mandatory Annual Board of Directors Meeting, the Board of Directors may request the President to call for other Board of Directors meetings. Upon receiving a written or electronic request from a majority of a quorum of the Board of Directors the President shall immediately set a date for a Board of Directors meeting and shall take all possible efforts to select a date, time, and location as to insure as many members of the Board can attend.


At each Annual Board of Directors Meeting a definite date and location for the next Annual meeting shall be set. Locations for the Annual Board of Directors Meetings may be varied as to hold such meeting in each of the District Committee allowing that District Committee to host such meeting. All paid members of this Organization are encouraged and welcome to attend the Annual Board of Directors Meeting.


Any vacancy of a member of the Board of Directors shall be filled by the designated alternate of the District Committee represented by the vacancy.


**Other than the Annual Board of Director’s meeting, meetings of the Board may be held by telephone conference or electronic group meeting.


Terms of Service

President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer shall serve a term of one year with election to be held at annual meeting.


All other positions shall serve a term of two years with district elections to be held on EVEN numbered years in districts Northwest, Central, Southeast, Kansas City. Elections for Northeast, Southwest, and St. Louis districts shall be held on ODD numbered years.



Sanction Review Committee

The Board of Directors shall establish a Sanction Review Committee for the purpose of reviewing and addressing any reported violations of the Code of Ethics as established in the bylaws. Members of this Sanction Review Committee may be a Professional Bondsman, Judge, Law Enforcement Official, or other as agreed upon by the Board of Directors. This committee shall establish their own procedural process.


This committee shall review reported violations of the Code of Ethics and may then recommend sanctions (by unanimous decision) as deemed appropriate by them, such as: written warning of violating activity, suspension for thirty (30) days from the Organization, or permanent revocation of membership from this Organization. Any member found in violation of the Code of Ethics by this committee shall have a copy of the sanction forwarded to the Presiding Judge of the Judicial District in which said member resides.


Various other committees may be created by the Board of Directors as they deem necessary to accomplish the goals of this Organization


Changes to the Bylaws

The Board of Directors has authority to change the bylaws of this Organization in the following manner:


A request for a change to the bylaws must be forwarded to the Secretary. The Secretary shall provide that request to all Board of Directors and the President prior to the Annual Board of Directors Meeting. The change of bylaws request shall be heard at said meeting. If a motion and majority vote of the Board of Directors to proceed on this change is made, each Director shall then carry that request to their respective District Committees. After informing and consulting with the members of each District Committee, the Director shall forward to the Secretary a written affirmation of their vote on this change. A change of the bylaws of this Organization shall require a two thirds (2/3) vote of the Board of Directors. ALL MEETINGS OF THIS ORGANIZATION SHALL BE CONDUCTED USING CURRENT REVISED ROBERTS RULES OF ORDER.


Missouri District Committees



Judicial Districts 1, 2, 9, 10, 14, 41


Judicial Districts 3, 4, 5, 43

St. Louis

Judicial Districts 11, 12, 20, 21, 22, 23, 45

Kansas City

Judicial Districts 6, 7, 8, 15, 16, 17, 18


Judicial Districts 13, 19, 26


Judicial Districts 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 38, 39, 40, 44


Judicial Districts 24, 25, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 42

Missouri Bond Association Judicial Map
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